General management – MC meetigs
Including the organization of the Kick-Off Meeting and Closing International Meeting to highlight the achievements of the Action. In addition to the election of the Action’s nominal positions, the Kick-Off Meeting will also discuss the scientific and networking objectives, deliverables, the timetable of activities, the composition of the WGs and their tasks. After this Kick-Off Meeting, the MC will meet in person at least once a year (Q2 of each year) to ensure efficient coordination, evaluate Action progress and make specific plans for future activities. The CG will support the Actions goals by designing the activities and monitoring the Actions’ progress and will meet (either face-to-face or by video conferencing) at least every six months (Q1 and Q3 of each year). The venue will rotate around the Action Participating Countries, with a priority for Inclusiveness Target Countries.
September 2022
3rd Management Committee Meeting
October 2021
2st Management Committee Meeting
October 2021
October 2020
Kick-off meeting
2nd Management Committee Meeting of the COST Action CA19128 Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation PEN-CAFoRR
1st Management Committee Meeting (Kick-off) of the COST Action CA19128 Pan-European Network for Climate Adaptive Forest Restoration and Reforestation PEN-CAFoRR
The meeting was organized during the two half days (8-9/10/2020), as the Online ZOOM meeting.
The nominated MC members were elected to the leadership positions and the MC selected the University of Belgrade, Serbia as Grant Holder Institution.
The MC agrees on international participation (Canada, US) international organizations (EFI; IEFC; USSE) and NNC (Algeria, Armenia, Jordan, Russian Federation, Ukraine).