Training Schools


Training School

Training School on nursery production and seedling quality for forest regeneration in South Europe

June 03-07, 2024

University of Alcalá at San Ildefonso College, Spain

If you are interested in learning more about container nursery production and seedling quality for forest regeneration


Organizers and contact

Local organizer (UAH): Dr. Pedro Villar-Salvador,

More informations


Training School

Training School on container nursery production and seedling quality assessment for Boreal forest regeneration

September 04-08, 2023

School for Forest Management at Skinnskatteberg, Sweden

Interested in learning more about container nursery production and seedling quality assessment?



Local organizer: Dr. Daniel Gräns, SLU:

Cost Action PENCAFORR, workgroup 3 coordinator: Dr. Pedro Villar-Salvador,

Send your application by August 5th, 2023.

More informations:



General about the Training Schools

Training Schools aim to facilitate capacity building on non-conventional yeasts through the delivery of intensive training on new or emerging subjects. They also offer familiarization with unique equipment or expertise and are typically, although not exclusively, considered to be for the benefit of Early Career Investigators (ECI) and PhD students.


Depending on the topic and the aims the TS will be organized in a form of workshop, course or seminar, where experts in their research field will provide lectures and roundtable discussions, as well as practical training.


The duration of a Training School is normally between three days and two weeks.


COST supports the participation of trainers and trainees for their attendance at approved Training Schools.

Trainers eligible to be reimbursed:

  1. Trainers from Participating COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Members.
  2. Trainers from Participating COST Partner Members.
  3. Action MC Observers from NNC.
  4. Action MC Observers from IPC.
  5. Trainers from Approved International Organizations (IO).
  6. Trainers from Approved European RTD Organizations.
  1. Up to four Invited Speakers whose primary affiliation is with an institution located in a non-Participating COST Full Member / COST Cooperating Member (which also includes COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Members listed as being under intention and / or individuals who have not yet obtained Action MC approval to participate in a given Action), individuals in non-approved NNC Institutions and individuals located in non-approved IPC Institutions

Trainers not eligible to be reimbursed:

  1. Trainers from EU Commission, Bodies, Offices and Agencies.
  1. Other Trainers not specifically mentioned as being eligible.

Trainees eligible to be reimbursed:

(Trainees must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow or can be employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organisation or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research)

  1. Trainees from COST Full Members / COST Cooperating Member.
  2. Action MC Observer from NNC.
  1. Trainees from Approved European RTD Organisations.

Trainees not eligible to be reimbursed:

  1. Trainees from COST Partner Members.
  2. Action MC Observers from IPC.
  1. Trainees from Approved IO, EU Commission, Bodies, Offices and Agencies.

Other Trainees not specifically mentioned as being eligible.


COST CA19128 (PEN-CAFoRR) offers a limited number of grants to attend Action Training Schools. A fixed grant will be assigned to every granted person, except for local students, who will be granted only for the registration fee. The selection will be based on the following priorities:

  1. PhD students from COST Country Institutions (one grant per Country)
    2. While grants available, ESRs from COST Country Institutions
    3. While grants available, other applicants

In any of the above steps, the ICT countries and gender balance will be taken for resolving equality.



The following items can be reimbursed: individual grants for trainees – amount to be decided by the Management Committee of the Action. Each grant cannot exceed the normal reimbursement rates of Annotated Rules, Section 5. Prior the Training School, each trainee entitled to reimbursement must register for an e-COST profile at – each trainee must add their bank details to their e-COST profile.


The following items can be reimbursed: travel, accommodation and meal expenses in line with the eligibility rules specified in Annotated Rules, but no lecture fees and honoraria. Each trainer must register a profile on e-COST at– each trainer must add their bank details to their e-COST profile.


The local organizers will receive fixed amount of local organizer support according to COST rules.


PEN-CAFoRR guidelines concerning Training Schools (TS)

  • The minimum period for a TS is 3working days.
  • The number of trainers per TS is expected to be less than 10, while the number of students should be according to the recommended ratio of at least 3 Trainees to 1 Trainer.
  • Additional students can be accepted outside of the PEN-CAFoRR Action if places are available.


    • In order to grant a TS within PEN-CAFoRR COST Action, the Organizer of the TS should contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator – Gordana Kaplan, Email:, Action Vice-Chair – Barbara Mariotti, Email:, and Action Chair – Vladan Ivetić, Email: The proposal will be evaluated and the Trainers will be defined by the PEN-CAFoRR Core Group.
    • If the suggested TS is approved, the Organizer should use the on-line registration tool to register the request for a TS (see
    • After submission of the information via the on-line registration form, a formal TS application will be generated, which has to be downloaded and sent by the Organizer electronically, as an e-mail attachment, to the Grant Awarding Coordinator (, with a copy to and
    • The Grant Holder (GH) sends an Acceptance letter to the Organizer, in which the Organizer is informed about the approval of the TS and the level of financial support awarded by PEN-CAFoRR.
    • The Organizer has to return this acceptance letter to the GH with his/her signature.
    • After a TS is approved by all parties, the following steps are expected to be taken:
    1. The Organizer sends out the first announcement to all PEN-CAFoRR members. Students and ECIs should apply online giving their name, institution, gender, nationality, short CV, letter from their adviser, and an abstract for a poster about their research (see Students who need specific documents for a VISA should mention this in their application.
    2. Students send their applications to the TS Organizer and Grand Awarding Coordinator (Gordana Kaplan, Email: for evaluation. The application should include CV, Short Scientific Background and Motivation Letter.
    3. The applications of the students are evaluated and approved by the TS coordinator, after a discussion with the PEN-CAFoRR Core Group (including Organizer, the chair, and the vice-chair).
    4. Once accepted, the applicant receives an acceptance letter from the GH, including the level of financial support for the travel to the TS. Note that trainees are expected to stay for the whole length of the school. Trainers are encouraged to stay as well, if feasible.
    5. The Organizer sends out a second announcement which gives practical details about the school, as well as details concerning the final program.
    6. An abstract book which compiles all the abstracts of the classes and the posters will be prepared by the Organizer and given to the participants of the TS upon their arrival.
    • Within 6 weeks after the completion of the TS, the Organizer is required to submit to the Grant Awarding Coordinator a scientific report about the achievements of the TS (max. one page).
    • The TS coordinator is responsible for evaluating and approving the final report, after consulting with the PEn-CAFoRR Core Group.